The Twin Lakes of Muanenguba are a pair of crater lakes on Mount Muanenguba located in Bangem, Kupe Muanenguba subdivision in the South West Region of Cameroon.

Surrounded by rolling hills, lush vegetation and smoky skies, the area’s appealing sacredness is well talked about in the country and has gained a great deal of popularity with tourists.
The Twin Lakes hold a strong cultural significance for the indigenous Bakossi people:
“The Kupe-Muanenguba Mountains harbor the greatest sacred places in the Bakossi tribe. It is here that the best herbs are found and it is also where sacrifices are performed.” (All About Cameroon)
Male and Female Lakes

One of the Twin Lakes, shaped in the form of an African map, is considered female; its waters appear blue in color.
While the other lake by its side (green waters) is considered male.

What is also remarkable about the twin lakes is that they are believed to present different energies – the Female Lake is sensed as more gentle and welcoming in energy, while the Male Lake presents a stronger foreboding vibe.
Because of this, the Female Lake seems more approachable, while the Male should preferably be left alone, locals would advise:
“The green lake is smaller, landlocked and no one dares descend into it except the traditional priests of the Mbo people to perform appeasement sacrifices. It is the Male. The larger blue is female where one can fish, swim and it flows out.” (Gerald Manjuo, Facebook)

Photos courtesy Kupe-Muanenguba Twin Lakes on Facebook
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