fit and fabulous

The secret is out! It IS possible to be fit, lean and fabulous after 40. C’mon now people, we know what it takes. It’s on the news, in magazines, on the internet and everywhere you look. Ok, I’ll pretend you haven’t heard and tell you what I do know. Here’s the recipe to being fit over 40.

  1. Boost Metabolism: After 40 our metabolism s-l-o-w-s down significantly. We don’t burn as much fat, and we incrementally lose muscle mass. If we don’t boost our metabolism, we will be fat, out of shape, out of energy and lack mental acuity. There’s good news! After-40 metabolism is NOT a life sentence. It can be fixed. How?
  2. Hit your stride: Go for a 30 minute walk daily, or do some form of exercise every day. My favorites are Pilates (for longer slimmer legs) and yoga for toning and sculpting. Want better results from your workouts? You may add weights.
  3. Crunchy Goodness: Mind what you eat! Feed your body with delicious dishes packed with nutrients that boost your brainpower, brighten your skin and slim your middle. The secret weapons in your anti-aging arsenal include whole wheat foods, avocados, fruits, vegetables, Salmon, green tea, nuts like almonds and walnuts, and olive oil for cooking.
  4. Reduce CaloriesCalories will make or mar your after 40 fabulousness. The more bad calories you consume, the slower and bigger you become. Limit calories to 1400 a day for women and 2000 a day for men. Reducing calories is not about eating less as it is about getting the most nutrition per calorie.
  5. Get your Zen – Improve your mood by focusing on what is positive. Laugh more and love more.

Of course, being fit and fabulous over 40 takes sacrifice and letting go of old bad habits. Is the sacrifice worth it? It depends. What’s important to you? Would you rather keep the old habits and remain out of mental and physical shape, or make the needed changes to stay sharp for years and years to come? We’re no longer our grandmothers and grandfathers. We are a new breed of active people living in a new era with many, many possibilities.

Cheers! Here’s to your fabulousness!

Dr. Nicoline Ambe’s website is

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