By Sharon Arrey, MBA Finance and Accounting
With the unemployment rate at a record high of 9.6 %, many families are doing the smart thing – borrowing less, saving more and looking for the best possible ways to pay off revolving debt such as credit card and car loan debts.
Budgeting is one of the sure ways every family should implement to pull itself out of debt and become more stable in today’s uncertain financial times.
Main Step to Becoming Debt Free: Budget
Developing a family budget is one of the best things you can do. With a good money management strategy in place, a family can get the maximum benefit from the money that comes into the household, enabling them to keep track of monies that come in and out of the household. Without this, money often takes least realistic or non-productive paths directed by the flow of human emotions and momentary cravings – whether it be for cloths, shoes, movies, or dining out. A household budget diverts the cash instead through a well thought out plan to where it best benefits the members of the family. This ensures that bills are paid on time and creates an opportunity to save more money on a regular basis. When done consistently, a well planned family budget prevents problems even before they occur and makes more money available each month, eventually leading to the elimination of debt.
Here are a few tips to help you budget effectively:
Take little steps
So the first thing to do is to sit down and write out a budget, it could be a weekly, bi-weekly or a monthly budget. It may sound funny but if you start with a $50-a-week-spending-money to be used strictly for gas, feeding and cut back on entertainment like eating out, movies, shopping you’ll be surprised at how far $50 would go – a long way. True, the 1st few weeks will be challenging. Little steps like writing down a weekly menu, making a grocery list and learning to cook at home rather than eating out or investing in microwave-able meals, make it more fun! See how this creates a stronger family bond while saving you money.
Use Home budgeting software
There are many different kinds of personal finance software available that can make it easier to set up a budget. It is important to select the right software, also be sure to find software that enable new categories to be added if desired. Some websites offer free budgeting software, look around for one that best suits your individual family needs. Some online software includes: budget tracker, budget planner, mvelopes, etc.
You could also use budget form templates or a basic excel spreadsheet.
Make Cash based payments
With the average American family in at least $3,500 in credit card debt, it is clear we need to go on a debt diet and shake debt off even more. Credit cards should be for emergency use only. Spend only the money you have. Adopting cash based payments makes budgeting more realistic and very efficiently helps families quickly get out of debt.
Have solid financial goals
This means adding short and long range plans for the money you save e.g. saving money for education, for a car, for a home or for retirement should be given the greatest priority.
Budgeting leads families to get into the habit of saving money. Once members begin to see the numbers adding up in the savings account, the desire to save money then increases, often becoming a lifetime habit.
Darl, it is a blessing knowing you. I am so excited about your article. It leaves me wanting to do better in my finances. Especially at the economy in which we live today, one has to calculate every step of the way. Your article is very informative and timely and i do hope that it continues to bless people who are looking for ways to save or manage their finances.
Thumbs up Lady!!! You blessed me .
Sha, Very very educative, Excellent article… I have to put this into practice. Thanks a bunch
I want to first of all give a big shout out to my Dunia family for allowing me this platform to be the instrument God purposed me to be. And to u Lema, Irene u guys always leave me speechless… to my best friend, my mentor and my hero…gee what can I say….muaahhhh!!!! look how far God has brought us….to Richard and Emma my dearest…we’ve been thru it all together, thanks for the confidence you guys have always had in me…it’s my debut but God has greater plans and I will always look forward to your words of encouragement or critiques as He develops what He instilled in me..mucho love and thanks.. sit back, relax and look out for my next article..
Peace and blessings
I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys. As the lily among thorns, so is my love among the daughters.
Good stuff for a crumbling economy.We need more of you sista in this society
Thanks Man of God,
I have a financial planning and budgeting template u could use to stay on course
Sharon, the rose
Sharon,your article was well written and has a common sense approach towards resolving our personal financial crisis.Good stuff.
Hmmm this post is very interesting. Can you reply me any related articles?
Thanks, look out for
"Creating financial abundance in marriage"
what is your email so I can send you some bidgeting template
Very nice article, Sharon. Very well written. You made a lot of excellent points. A budget is always a great idea. Not just in this financial climate, but at all times.
I've been using a budget for the last few years, and I'm so happy to see that, when I implement a budget and stick to it, I have more discretionary income, and I'm able to pay down more debt, and save more money.
Thanks Hali
watch out for
Creating financial abundance in marriage
coming soon
An epitome of excellence. Keep it up Sharon. The Sky is your limit.
Thanks my friend Mr Eyombo
Excellent article, so very timely. It's ironic I have this very issue on my mind today. Thanks for the insight!!!
Thanks Chris
watch out for the next article
Creating financial abundance in marriage
This is a very good read and I'm sure very helpful to all who have viewed it. Saving and Budgeting in these tough times is def a family thing. Families that work together stand a better chance of weathering this Financial storm. Very good and I hope to read more help for articles like this on very soon.
thanks Samuel
watch out for
Creating financial abundance in marriage
It is worth reading.. Really good.. Bless your heart
Thanks Maureen
Sharon, the rose
Sharon this is good stuff. A lot of families will learn from this and if all these is followed as outlined many people will be saved from the debts that they owe. Thanks again for taking this it is one of the thing killing us today
Ms B thanks
look out for the next article
Creating financial abundance in marriage
I’m very impressed by this article. I can tell that she has experience in that field. I will definetly recommend her advices to anybody who want to do better in their finances.
Thanks Darcy
watch Creating financial abundance in marriage
The crisis is still hiting on american people!
thanks for taking the time to read it…watch out for my next article
Creating financial abundance in marriage
Couldnt agree more with that, very attractive article
thanks you, "Creating financial abundance in marriage " coming up soon
much appreciation
Sharon, the rose
The article is great and very helpful, indeed.
I will be following the advices.
Keep up the good work. Sky is the limit..
Thanks so much for all your comments and encougagement. This means a lot to our Dunia Magazin family..look out for the next article "Creating financial abundance in marriage " coming up soon
much appreciation
Sharon, the rose
Air Mattress
much respect
Sharon, the rose
thanks Robbie
watch out for
Creating financial abundance in marriage
Great piece. I didn’t know it could be that simple.
Keep it up.
Fred thanks my dear… it all starts with baby steps…
look out for the next article coming out soon
Great job! I look forward to reading many more! if you write a book, i want a signed copy!
Will my dearest friend…u’ll be the first to know once the book comes article will be published soon…taking ur suggestion in to consideration so watch out
thanks..send the whole ISER crew waiting
thanks X-ray tech for the suggestion, we'll look into that…thanks for reading and please feel free to ck back for my next article within the next couple of days
This is vital information. Because me myself personaly in the next 6 mos I want to purchase a car although I dont have any debt (thank god) I do need to know how to budget my money
what can I say Mel,
thanks for reading…..u know how we
I must say your article was easy to read,understand and practice which is what i am doing.Keep doing your thing and the lord will see your through.
thanks Ms Bronte u r precious..
thanks for posting this nice peace love how its writted!
thanks Hihaip
the second article has just been released so feel free to read….and o/c comment
again thanks
Great article with very practical tips. Simple and very enlightening. Sharon, well done.I know this is the beginning of more to come.Waiting on great feeds from you.
Irene sis thanks for ur time and ur comments are much appreciated
Absolutely good job! I have to say l like your post, they makes me feel fresh, come on
thanks Dickson
I'll ck it out
ck out my newly published article and let me hear ur opinion
Ron what can I say but a big thank you for taking the time to read
thanks for reading and I promise u Dunia Magazine will keep it real and juicy for ur satisfaction
thanks Chaussure and looking forward to hearing from you as we keep publishing exciting articles…
Wow sweety,
Wonderfull piece, I always knew you had it in you , but you're even more sensible than I thought! keep up the good work.
Hope you'll help lots and lots of people with this article.
Stay blessed.
love Con
I live paycheck to paycheck myself, that's why for me it's crucial to be able to track all of my family's spending and make sure we don't go over our fixed monthly budget. Doing it like in the old pen and paper days didn't work for me anymore. I started with keeping my budgets in Excel spreadsheets, then tried some of the online programs available for free. Still using the online tool to manage my personal finances and track my household budgets and it works fine for me. It's much easier to know where your money is going with an online software.
If you want to be debt free it starts with your home itself; when you prepare the budget of your household make sure spending are less than savings. If both husband and wife are working then it would be a good way to help each other.