Author: Gordon Hurd
A breakthrough book written for the generation of Christians who know their God and do exploits.
If you go to a church regularly, pay tithes and offerings, give sacrificial offerings, first fruits, prophetic offerings, project offerings, special gifts and all the offerings you can name and yet struggle with your finances; if you are facing a hard time making ends meet; if bills are stacking up and there seems to be no way out; if creditors are dragging you to court; if your house is about to be foreclosed or has already been taken; if you are sick of working long, hard hours in the factory or board room; if you are highly qualified but have settled for a menial position in a dead end job ; if it seems as though Christianity has failed you or it appears you have waited too long for God to make a change in your life; if you have fasted, prayed, spoken in tongues, attended crusades, used the anointing oil, got anointed men of God to lay hands on you, taken long retreats, gone for deliverance, and nothing seems to change, then Christian Millionaire Secrets is a must read.
Christian Millionaire Secrets takes the subject of prosperity to a whole new level. It is a well researched book that shows Christians how to attain financial independence easily and permanently. The book shows:
- That being rich is your birth right and shows you how to break through in your finances.
- Why paying tithes could be the reason you are broke. This revelation alone will shock many.
- How to replace a consumption habit that leads to poverty with an investment plan that has the ability to propel you into riches almost instantly.
- Financial goal setting techniques. Most people miss becoming rich because they do not have a plan.
- The power of gratitude and how to connect with the Invisible Source of supply.
- How to program your mind to attract anything you want with little or no effort.
Amy Scott Grant says, “Gordon’s book is engaging, captivating and almost hypnotic. If Christians all over the world can read this book and apply the principles it puts forward, Christianity as a whole will change for the better”.
If you are really serious about making a difference in your financial and business life, Christian Millionaire Secrets will give you the edge you need.
Christian Millionaire Secrets is available on Amazon
Articles by Gordon Hurd
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