Written by Destini Whitis
As Women, we all need “our” time away from life’s daily stresses whether it’s work, home, or both. When you think of the word Woman you think of the Divas of the world and because we all have some spiciness inside of us, ladies we need all of our “Me Time”. So to all my Divas, try these top ten methods of Relaxation:
Most divas shop because it’s an antidepressant for us, while others just can’t help themselves … before I continue let me say that I was surfing around on the internet just browsing and I saw this one guy say and I quote “Women go shopping so they can spend their husbands’ hard earned money.” and I thought that was so funny because that’s what most Diva enjoy doing anyway. Not saying we are “gold diggers” but how about all the extra things we have to put up with or even just do … that’s just apart of our payment. LOL.
Truth be told Divas I believe it’s just a part of our nature to catch sales and spend money on clothes, shoes, purses, and accessories because they are the necessities for the whole shopping experience. So Divas remember there is nothing wrong with relieving yourself on the Macy’s half-off day sale, it’s a wonderful thing.
Soaking bath with candle light
Now this is a must for all Divas regardless of your circumstances and when I speak on this matter it based on my own personal experiences I deal with daily. Ladies you come home from a very long day at work, and still it seems like your day is just beginning because you still have another full-time job of taking care of your family. You have to cook, then get the little ones ready for a bath so they can go to bed, on top of having to clean up the house, you must iron everyone’s clothes for the next day because who else but you is going to do it, right ladies? Now that all of your ‘chores’ are done (deep breath) it’s your time to unwind. You go and run you a nice hot bath, put a little lavender in your water because it relaxes and calms the body, then you light your candles, pop in Sade and let her take you away. There is nothing more relaxing after the day you’ve had, I know.
Beauty Shops
I know why my experiences of going to the beauty shop is relaxing for me, so I decided to ask some of my Facebook Divas why going to the beauty shop is relaxing for them and a good friend of mine, Ms. Leashia said and I quote “because it’s the time for us to get pampered, clear our heads, vent about a lot of topics that only us as women can relate to.” Once I read this from her I found it to be so true, I asked her to continue and she said basically it’s time to feel good about ourselves. She hit the nail right on the head with that one, because at some point we know we look good because that’s what we tell ourselves. Knowing we look good and feeling good are two different things. All Diva’s know they look good, so every once in a while we have to make that knowledge we have about ourselves come true and what better way to make it than by relaxing. Thank you Ms. Leashia for your enlighten thoughts.
Taking Long Walks
These little trips down the street or around the corner can be very relaxing for the ones who enjoy just stepping out of the house for a while, not even to go anywhere special, but to just get some peace of mind. Taking long walks can be relaxing for so many reasons especially if you have a lot going on in your mind and also when you begin to feel like everywhere you go you’re just closed inside with no extra air to breathe. This is the perfect time to go walk your dogs, pick some wild flowers, meet any new neighbors or even just have a conversation with the old one. Walking is also good for your health because you may just have eaten a little too much and you want to burn off some of those calories to stay fit. Divas now you know loosing a little is better then gaining a lot, am I right? Enjoy this time; get away you’ll be happy you did.
Out To Eat By Yourself
Eating out is an enjoyable and relaxing experience when there is no one but yourself, no one talking to you about anything just calm restaurant music and the nice waitress working hard for her tip. All Divas should enjoy this when you don’t have to cook, but to have someone to make exactly what it is you want. Just to be sitting down knowing you’re free to indulge on goodness you see with no worries. Take advantage ladies, I insist that you do.
Continue reading >> Top 10 Ways to Relax and Unwind
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