Written by Marguerite Boyer

Yoga Tips for Beginners

You are informed that it is worth while practicing yoga, but you do not know how to practice it? It may seem to be a bit strange initially, but over time you will get more comfortable. Here are a few tips that have been discovered over time to be helpful for Yoga beginners.

1- Where to Practice Yoga
Wherever you start practicing yoga, be it at home or a gym, begin with entry level yoga. There are various forms of yoga available, and some of them can be quite intense and fast going. You may be an athlete already, or you may be already in good shape, but when we talk about yoga, it is all about form and alignment. It is very important to learn proper posture for each yoga pose, and to understand the feeling it brings.

Even if you are experienced in yoga, you should remember to keep your state of mind always as a beginner’s. Yoga may look easy with bending and stretching, but as you practice you will learn that there is much more to it. Even after many years of practice, you may still discover something new in yoga about your body and each pose.

2- The Yoga Mat
Before purchasing a mat for yoga, you should try a few yoga classes to make sure that you liked the art form. Most of the gyms and studios offer mats for their users. There are different types of yoga mats and price points. Get your instructor’s opinion on mats to help you find the right one.
Some yoga mats are extremely thin, while some are extremely thick. There are some mats that have some lines to keep you aligned throughout your yoga session. Some mats are made specifically for hot yoga.

3- Understand the Names
Yoga classes may be labeled as Hatha, Classical, Bikram, Power, Vinyasa, Kripalu, Forrest, and Iyengar, just to name a few. All these are branches of the same tree, and their root is Hatha. Styles of these forms can be different. You can try exploring a variety of yoga classes, and see what each yoga form can offer you. However, start with Classical or Hatha class, and then go further from there, because it is always important to start from the root.

4- Yoga is a Body and Mind Practice
While practicing yoga, you should let your mind control emotions and keep it calm. You will have to learn the relationship between your breath and the movement, which will let you clear your mind to concentrate more on your practice. This is very important as you learn yoga. Proper breathing techniques can help you focus on each and every pose you do, and let you hold it. Remember, whatever level you are at, or how long you are holding the pose for, your breathing will help you throughout the practice.

5- Child’s Pose
In yoga, a resting pose is called as child’s pose. Many yogis begin their practice with it, and they come back to it throughout their practice. Most yoga instructors advise you to follow the Child’s pose whenever you need rest.

Read | About Yoga for Beginners: Benefits & Poses to Start

6- Trial and Error
If you are taking yoga class in a studio, and if you find that your instructor’s style is not your cup of tea, try another studio or instructor. You should understand that you cannot focus on yourself when you are not happy with your instructor or his/her style. Find a class that you can feel comfortable in and enjoy the experience.

Follow these simple tips to begin with your yoga sessions. Definitely you will see a lot of positivity around you and your surroundings once you follow the Art of Yoga.

Marguerite being a fitness enthusiast loves to blog on fitness and topics related to fitness. You can check out her latest post on how to lose belly fat on her website.

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