Dear Dunia readers,
I woke up this morning with this nagging feeling to discuss the word, INTEGRITY. What does it mean when you say, “I have integrity, or someone has integrity?” Sometime back during a discussion on this topic with some friends, someone gave what I consider an apt definition of the word ‘INTEGRITY’ she said,” Integrity is what you do or say when no one is watching or listening.” In other words, it is the sum total of your value system. I will invite you to do this little exercise and see if the above definition of INTEGRITY fits your definition.
Have you ever felt the urge to slip that ink pen into your pocket at work when you know it does not belong to you?
Have you walked away with an item from the store that was not rung-up, knowingly bagging it and telling yourself, “Well, too bad if they failed to ring it up I will not remind them”?
Have you willingly participated in a gossip and failed to stand up for the person whose reputation is being dragged in the mud even though you know the gossip is unfair and harmful?
There are many instances big and small in which our integrity is tested. I will narrate to you two personal incidents which may entertain as well as incite you.
Years ago, I was a young illegal immigrant in GA. My small family then was made up of three of us. My husband and I were both students and we had our little girl to take care of. Like many young, broke, illegal immigrants we shared one car. I had managed to secure a drivers license legally. Back then legal residence documents were not an issue. Employers and law enforcement did not find a need to witch hunt. Yes, the times were different. Anyways, somehow I had managed to rack up two traffic tickets on road accidents in less than one month. Oh! How I remember those times as if they were yesterday. I had barely had my driver’s license when I needed to get on the road and start hustling. That is life in America! “You snooze you lose!” so goes the saying.
With my two traffic tickets from road accidents, I needed just one more strike to kiss my driver’s license good-bye. Now, try to imagine my caviar – working under the raider, going to school and raising a family on minimum wage, two yet-to-be-settled traffic tickets. If I were to lose my driver’s license, what would become of my American dream and the dreams of so many that I had left behind in Africa? This was my thinking on this day when for the third time, I rear-ended this lady at the entrance of my job. Ok, before you laugh or feel sorry for me, please hear my story.
It was break time at work. Feeling excited that I had finished my morning assignment in good time; I decided to rush out to pay a visit at my child’s school which was just moments away from my job. As I pulled out of the parking lot, I noticed a red mustang in front of me pulling out as well. We were approaching the gate and we were about to engage into a very busy street. With only a few seconds to spare between cars, it was important that drivers be focused and vigilant. Any slight error could result into a major catastrophe. I looked up and down the street and noticed that on both directions there was a break in oncoming traffic. Anticipating a quick advance on to the road from the driver in front of me, I stepped on the pedal. I was wrong! My car bumper went straight into the rear end of the car, taking out her two tail lights. Oh heavens! Accident number 3!
In a flash I saw myself in an immigration jail and all that comes with the detention of an illegal immigrant. Never mind my American dream! And no, I did not run. In case that’s what you are thinking. What followed was my integrity story which you will have to come back tomorrow to read…
Good day and God bless,
Lady B.
LADY BERNADETTE is a DUNIA Magazine Column by Lilian Nukuna-Fomunung. Topics will range from serious subject matters such as politics to women empowerment and much more. Some topics will be controversial; others will leave you with a feeling of “I am counting my blessings”. Lady Bernadette wishes to engage her audience and provide a relaxed atmosphere as well as teach a lesson or two and help make the world a better place for someone. Don’t hesitate to leave a comment or ask questions. Enjoy.
Also by Lilian:
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