I was just reciting one of my favorite nursery rhymes “it’s raining, it’s pouring, the old man’s snoring, He went to bed and bumped his head and couldn’t wake up early in the morning”.

Down memory lane! Now, let’s talk real time poetry titled, “the blanket treatment!” Hmmm! Typical of me, (for those who know me by now) to make good meaning out of everything and here is the meaning the Lord guided me to make out of this rhyme so I could inspire someone today.

One of my prayer cell sisters and I recently chatted and had a good laugh over the fact that the devil hates to be ignored. That too was a second reason for me to come up with this write up and I can’t help calling it “The Blanket Treatment”. Why such a title? Let’s say, this is my easy-breezy strategy on treating the devil with such snobbishness that would not only send him packing from our premises, our postal codes, our province but also from our country and why not our world?

Our encounters with the enemy could be compared to a moment in time after a tiresome day, when we are enjoying a beautiful rest in our bed, our bodies covered by a warm blanket on a cold evening, and we are just about to fall into a sweet sleep when suddenly we get interrupted: Who is the intruder? Who is the rude inconsiderate visitor?

We are expecting to see our son, daughter, husband or wife, a friend or neighbor we know has the right to wake us up at any given time. But what happens when we find out the true person that woke us from our slumber is none other than the king of Pride? The Devil? Interrupting us at a time of genuine need … precious sleep time, to see if we would get infuriated enough or give him a blow! I know lots of people would enjoy taking the devil to the boxing ring and knocking off his 32, breaking off his horns and cutting off his tail. I know others would love to teach him a lesson for what he did to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. After all what we’ve been through since that incident, it’s about time to pay him back, right? I don’t know what you would do if you had such a private encounter with the devil and without any fear of getting a criminal record as no one would be calling 911 to report the fight anyways, I’m sure some of you would like to get a gun if you could.

Seriously, I would’ve loved to do all the above and even more if I didn’t prefer this new strategy –“The blanket treatment”- Whereby I’d turn around, lift my head and realizing that the person who woke me up from my cherished slumber was just a stupid devil, I’d just glance at him a bit, give a big condescending sigh, lay me back down, bump my head and go right back to sleep. The king of pride hates to be ignored and the reason he is so successful in causing damage and getting children of God all worked up is because he realizes how much attention we pay him. He knows when he steps on our toes we would fight right back. He knows when he sneezes we would catch a cold because we fail to cover ourselves with our blankets, that is if we had one.

Notice that the devil could be anyone or anything that is determined to cause havoc thereby facilitating the mission of the real devil. How often do we allow others take the role of the devil in our lives? How often do we allow others feel that their trespass was worth revenging? Do you need a tit for tat? If anyone hurts you, use the blanket treatment. If anyone wakes you from your sleep, use the blanket treatment and if you ever came face to face with the devil, save your energy and once again, use your blanket.

“Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you” James 4:7 (NKJV)
When he fails to get you he would surely shop around for the next accessible household to invade. That is why the Bible suggests we should be one another’s keepers, praying and interceding for one another so our blankets would be anointed and fortified by our unity. In so doing, we must still keep in mind always, that the devil is lurking around looking for souls to devour. So, dear brethren, pass this message around, save a weary sleeper from missing a slumber. Give them a blanket by sharing the good news of the word of God with them. We all have blankets in our homes. If all children of God could just make better use of their blankets what a wonderful victory it would be to see the devil and his pride packing up and heading straight back to the pits of hell where he belongs? We need to muster the courage, determination and the will-power to recognize the devices of the devil and he will surely flee from us. It is not by our own might, not by our own power but by the spirit of the Lord Almighty that we can harness with victory. (Zechariah 4:6).

We must remember this: It takes more than just an empty blanket to give the devil an effective blanket treatment. Owning a blanket doesn’t qualify us for victory. It provides us with a useful toolkit necessary in our training camp in anticipation of the victory that lies ahead. Such training and empowerment is derived from studying and applying the Word of God. Constant meditation with the Word and constant prayer and consultation with the Lord, gives us extraordinary audacity to relax, bump our heads and fall back to sleep without fear that the devil could strangle us to death under our blankets. Let’s be ready and when we discover who we are in the Lord, we shall surely be still in the face of all adversity knowing that God is with us as we remain covered in our blankets! Just saying…



Irine Lum Asanji (aka LIA) is a freelance writer and journalist based in Brampton, Canada. Born and raised in Cameroon the daughter and sister of Pastors, LIA immigrated to Canada in 2006. She holds an undergraduate degree in Journalism (University of Buea, Cameroon) and a postgraduate degree in Visual Anthropology (University of Tromso, Norway). She has worked as a journalist and Communication Officer with the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon (PCC). LIA recently designed and launched a website geared towards Marriage and Family enrichment services, which serves as her ministry and her private business. She is an employee with Broan-Nutone Canada and became born-again in 2011 making her more evangelistic in her approach to writing. She speaks English, French, German and Norwegian. She is a mother of two and enjoys singing, cooking, dancing and a good laugh. She writes under her name and her pen name LIA which also means Lord Is Able.



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