What's your story?

Chris Cooper

In your own words, who is Chris Cooper?

Chris Cooper is an ordinary man who has been blessed extraordinarily. Chris Cooper is a father, a husband, a son, a child of God. Chris Cooper is a friend, a perpetual student of life – one who desires to continue to learn and grow. Chris Cooper is a giver, an influencer and a catalyst for change.

What are some important lessons you learned early in life that set you up for success today?

There are so many that I learned; where do I start? Well first of all I was taught at a very early age that God is my source and that all blessings flow and abound through him. I was taught the importance of being presentable at all times. I was taught to always be ready so I never have to get ready – because when opportunity knocks I want to answer without hesitation. I was taught to treat people well and to always see the bright side regardless of the situation. I was taught the importance of family and values. I was taught to love myself and others. I was taught to always put my best foot forward and I was taught to NEVER Quit!

Tell us about your journey as an entrepreneur and lessons learned.

The entrepreneurial spirit surfaced very early in my life. I remember a conversation with my Grandmother when I was just 7yrs old, and her saying “baby don’t think you were made to work for someone else.” It stuck with me and through my childhood I remember being extremely active in extracurricular activities, and sports. I led the student government association and even worked part-time jobs while balancing schoolwork, etc.- ultimately developing the skill-set necessary to operate a business. Even while attending college and acquiring 3 academic degrees (BS in GS/Mathematics Morehouse College, BS in Industrial Engineering from The Georgia Institute of Technology, and a MS/MBA from New York University), I knew that I was learning and building an arsenal of knowledge that would be utilized one day in my own enterprise.

As a very successful consultant, project manager and strategic analyst, I became the youngest senior manager ever at a major Fortune 100 company and realized that the journey in corporate America was in my eyes ‘paid-training’. I was learning and growing at such an accelerated rate that I asked God, “Why me”? At the age of 25 I had been through so many experiences in the corporate world that folks twice my age had not and I asked God why did I experience it so fast and the answer was simple… I had to be on the fast track so that I would be capable of touching the lives of so many around the world. God let me know that if I had waited to learn these lessons in my 40s and 50s then I would not be the blessing that he created me to be.

So in 2005 I stepped out and started my first of three companies. Execute Your Passion is my professional services firm specializing in speaking, training and coaching services. It’s based on the belief that people are the world’s hidden treasures and it’s my company’s job to assist in the complete development of individuals and organizations. This company has been the catalyst for my books, speaking engagements, tours, etc. My second company is an Information Technology Firm specializing in program and project management. And my third business venture is an essential services brokerage firm that helps individuals and businesses save on every day bills.

In your experience, what are some common self imposed obstacles that people face and how can these be countered?

I believe fear is the most common limiting self-imposed obstacle that people face. Most of us are familiar with the acronym for FEAR (false evidence appearing real) but it’s even a bit deeper in my opinion. Fear is not real, yet it’s a mind-altering fictitious force that has a real effect. And this fear keeps individuals from reaching their potential. Fear of failure, fear of success, and fear of the unknown cripple most of us at one time or another. My recommended solution is simple – do it. I battle these fears daily and most successful people do as well. It all comes down to a choice: will you allow something fake to keep you from the real benefits of success? My advice is to choose wisely, because those who take a proactive stance get what they desire while those who choose delayed reaction get whatever’s left over. You owe it to yourself to take a chance and bet on you! It’s the best wager you’ll ever make!

What inspires and motivates you? And what does success mean to you?

I believe that motivation is external while inspiration is internal. So I am much more into inspiration. So when asked what inspires me, my answer is simple – people; people who excel, people who defy the odds, ordinary people who do amazing things.

I’m inspired by people like my Aunt Mary who returned to college at age 60 and graduated with high honors. I’m inspired by a young girl who battled substance abuse at a very early age but gets help through a Community based program and ultimately acquires a graduate degree from Harvard University. I am inspired by 25 yr old Oscar Pistorius of South Africa who made history when he became the first double amputee to compete in an athletic event at the 2012 Olympics in London. I’m inspired by Bethany Hamilton a true soul surfer from Hawaii, who at the age of 13 yrs old was tragically attacked by a shark while surfing, lost her arm, yet kept her faith and returned to the water just one month after the attack. And I am inspired by President Barack Obama the first African American President of my country, The United States of America.

My aunt, that young woman, Oscar, Bethany and President Obama share the same passion for life, they refuse to settle, they are resilient and they share the same conviction that nothing is Impossible. Our very own Superman, the late Christopher Reeve said it best when he stated, “So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, but when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable!” And I believe that as your read these words and take them to heart that your success is inevitable!

So that brings me to the final part of this question, what does success mean to me? That’s such a loaded question but I will say that success is very personal and uniquely defined by each and every one of us. To some it’s cars, money, and wealth. To others, it’s status, fame, praise, and prestige. I personally look at success through 3 basic questions: 1. What does it mean to me? 2. Who/what matters most? 3. How far will I go to get it? So to me, it’s living life on my own terms, it’s being able to share joy, riches and time with my family and loved ones, it means not being worried or consumed with the things that plague so many. It means learning from the errors of the past and adopting new disciplines for the future. It means giving back and paying it forward.

What challenges have you faced in life and how did you overcome them?

They are so many…where do I begin? Well first of all I was born to a teenage mother in the inner-city (Philadelphia, Pa) and it was said that as a black man born in that environment, I would surely be a statistic. I did not have my biological father playing an active role in my growth and development when I was younger, and I battled with rejection syndrome, and feelings of inadequacy, so I threw myself into activities and looked for praise from others – all the while searching for that fatherly affirmation.

I almost lost my life on my 16th birthday because I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I’ve struggled academically and even failed and had to repeat a course. I’ve not gotten what I desired on numerous occasions. I’ve been laid off and also fired from jobs. My business was almost completely annihilated by the recession and I saw insurmountable challenges.

So I’ve dealt with all types of challenges in my personal life and professional life and the common theme and solution each time has come from: fortitude, focus, and most importantly faith.

In each of the aforementioned circumstances I had to have the fortitude to deal with the punches that came my way. I had to stop saying why me and change my language to say why not me? I had to decide if I was going to focus on how bad my situation was or was I going to focus on developing a solution to better myself and those affected all around me. I had to take responsibility for me. And I had look to God where my wisdom and strength comes from.

Tell us about your international travels, what they mean to you and what you learned from them. Where would you like to visit next and why?

Traveling is one of my favorite things to do. I have been blessed to have traveled to some 21 different countries worldwide. My international travels began at age 10 for me when my Aunt Mary took me to London- it was amazing to be immersed in an environment where people spoke the same language but sounded so different. I was mesmerized by Buckingham Palace, the Tower of London, Piccadilly Square and The Beef Eaters. That experience marked the beginning of a true appreciation for the world and culture in general.

The next major international experience occurred during my collegiate years when I studied abroad in Metz, France. It was amazing. We had classes 4 days out of the week and traveled extensively the other 3 days. It was so liberating just getting on a train and ending up at the coliseum in Rome, or eating a 5- course meal in Prague. I did so much during my time in Europe: horseback riding, white water rafting and skiing in the Swiss Alps, shopping in Brussels, partying in Amsterdam, sipping wine in the French countryside, riding a gondola down the Grand Canal in Venice, to even Running with the Bulls in Spain.

But I’d be remiss if I did not share my most impactful international experience and that was my time in South Africa. In the summer of 2008 I was blessed to serve on the board of directors for a non-profit organization (TRG International) whose purpose and mission is to give a voice to those who don’t have one, specifically children. TRG does a trip to Africa and other countries worldwide annually to give back to help young orphans get the tools and resources necessary for success.

So I was honored to make the trip to South Africa where I was not only able to teach leadership and entrepreneurship to high school students (all orphans), but to give life lessons on so many levels and more importantly to learn from them! But the icing on the cake came my final evening in Durban. Don’t get me wrong, visiting the Apartheid Museum in Johannesburg was life changing as well but that evening in Durban was one that I will NEVER forget.

I was given the opportunity to participate in an authentic Zulu Naming Ceremony. The students had observed me throughout my stay there and asked tons of questions and listened intently as I provided answers about Usher and Beyonce to answers about God, faith, and education. And on that amazing June evening those students gave me a gift that is more priceless than anything else I’ve ever received, on that evening those children confirmed something that God told my mother when she was just 16 yrs old while carrying me in her belly (that I would grow up and speak life to people all across the world). The Zulu children named me Vuzisiwze – it means He who raises up nations! Wow, talk about powerful – I get chills every time I hear it or think about it. That was indeed a life changing experience, the connection I felt with the motherland, the prophecy spoken over my life, my calling re-declared and so much more. I wept for 2 hrs straight when I was given my name and did my Zulu dance – it was incredible and words cannot describe that experience.

I’d like for my next international destination to be to Australia. I’ve met some amazing Aussies all across the world and even here in the US, and I’d love to experience their culture, and visit. Also they are a major business player worldwide and I’d love to see it up close and personal. So I’m looking forward to going to ‘the land down under’

You have written 2 books; tell us, what’s the writing process like for you?

Yes I’ve written two books, my first is called “Achieve Your Dreams: 26 Quick Keys to Succeed in Life” and it’s a blueprint for success. It’s based off of a poem that I do when I speak and the book literally goes from A through Z infusing strategies and solutions interwoven through poems, short stories and my personal growth experiences. My newest book, Get Sh*t Done: How to Stop Quitting & Start Succeeding, has a bold and sassy title but encourages you to take massive action and make things happen NOW without delay.

The writing process for both projects was quite interesting; my first book was completed in 30 days, while the second took over 3 months to write. My first coach and mentor told me something that I’ll never forget; he said to “give people what they ask for, not what I think they need”. And that statement revolutionized the way I approached writing. I tell my clients and budding authors all the time the importance of listening to the voice of your customer. For me the process included an outline, tons of research on human behavior, focused/designated time to write, and a sounding board of friends and family to share some of the concepts with in order to get their reaction.

Overall, the process varies per author but from my perspective it should reflect the author’s style and their methodology. The bottom line is to write with the audience already in mind!

What makes GET SH*T DONE a must-read?

GSD is a must read because it’s a no-nonsense, straight no chaser action guide for everyone who struggles with follow- through and completion. This represents 97% of us worldwide. It helps you overcome procrastination at home and at work. It gives you tips and strategies, solutions for getting things done more effectively and efficiently. It provides a fresh new look on leverage and team work and lays the basic foundation for achievement in all areas. So what are you waiting for? Go to Amazon right now and go Get Sh*t Done!

Closing thoughts?

First of all I want to thank DUNIA Magazine for featuring me. It’s indeed an honor, and I do not take it lightly. Closing thoughts, hmmm, well I’ve said so much already but I do want to encourage all the readers that nothing is impossible as long as you believe. I’d also like to say that with knowledge comes responsibility, and as I put on my coaching hat, I’m saying that I provided a lot of information about my life and my experiences and I pray that it inspired you, but the greatest gift you can give to me and yourself is to take massive action. Do not be afraid, go for what you want and never fear failure! Failure is often the name of the game we must learn to play in order to learn how to succeed. The late Dr. Kurt Einstein said, “To the Degree that People know what’s expected to the same degree they can succeed.” so I am emphatically stating that I expect a lot of you! Success is your ONLY Option! Now Go Get Sh*t Done!

(First published in DUNIA print Magazine issue 9 – Oct-Dec 2013)

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