Marie-Veronique Massok – Co Founder (left), Ms. Parslet Tameka, Director of the DSAA (Down Syndrome Association of Atlanta), Dr. Xaverie N. Bitjocka – Co Founder (right)

Relief 4 ALL, Inc is an Atlanta, GA based Non Governmental Organization (with a 501C-3 status) created in September of 2011. The organization is focused on helping improve quality of care in hospitals in some African communities and providing educational and medical supplies to school-aged children. This is mainly accomplished through donations of material such as medical equipment, gloves, chairs, first aid kits, paper products, and other supplies.

Relief for All Inc was founded by Cameroonians Marie-Veronique Massok and Dr. Xaverie N. Bitjocka: “We believe that together, we can shape the future of thousands of children and their families by assisting the low-income population complete their education, which will help them achieve economic self-sufficiency and by also assisting the underprivileged gain access to better health care supplies, thereby making the world a better place. Currently, we provide hope and assistance to families we work with. By partnership with the local population, we try to find lasting ways to achieve these goals one community at a time.”

DUNIA Magazine caught up with founder Marie-Veronique Massok for a quick Q&A:

Tell us, what inspired the creation of this remarkable organization?
On Oct 24, 1999 while at the hospital giving birth to my twin boys in Cameroon, with all the complications along the way, I noticed other women suffering, and crying out in labor. We were not going to receive the help needed if we couldn’t pay the fees upfront. We had to form a line toward the operating room because there were many women needing medical attention, but not enough medical personnel and material. That experience marked a significant point in my life.

What are the core values that sustain you in your work with R4A?
Love- Appreciation-Legacy. Growing up in a large extended family, we would go on vacation together, and I learned at an early age to bond with others, to love and care for them; we were also taught to appreciate everything you get. I want to establish something that later on my children will continue when my time comes.

Have you found opportunities to help?
Yes, there are many. I have worked in places where a lot of goods are thrown away – shoes, clothes, toys … food. Unfortunately in this country [USA] it happens all the time. I know how happy a child would be back home [Cameroon] if he or she receives a toy, or shoes.

What projects have you been involved in so far?
R4A is a new organization. Our projects include, Save women and their babies, Clean water in villages, Education for young. Right now we are still working and structuring a board to make it happen. Our only resources come from donations from individuals, businesses and sponsors.

Closing thoughts?
I’ll have my closing thoughts in the form of this quote: “Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are,” Dale Carnegie.


Volunteering at Hosea Feed The Hungry in Atlanta – Ga November 2011

Having fun with children and giving hope to their parents, letting them know that even thou the kids are sick that are still a part of the community

Partners of Atlanta Walk for Congo, March 23, 2013


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