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“For Christ to remain alive in us we must ensure that the devil is proclaimed totally dead in our lives.”
It’s far from being over even as the Easter eggs the bunnies and the colors have been replaced by the fashion trends anticipating a lucrative entrance of another delayed summer. It’s far from being labeled a real Spring at least East of Ontario where the frozen weather remains an unpleasant reminder that the garden stones of real estates are yet to be rolled into place to make a beautiful landscape before summer comes- that is, when it finally comes.
Waiting for the stones to be rolled away from buried frozen lives, away from hidden treasures unknown to both believers and non believers could take a month, a year, a decade or another century but one thing is for sure- the heaviest burden over human life on this earth was uplifted when that stone was rolled away on the very first Easter Sunday morning. Easter might be gradually losing ratings as the climates and seasons change but it’s even better to discuss Easter after the festivities. This with the hope that everyone would have a chance to look back, recognize and retain the power of the resurrection all the days of their lives. Would the absence of fanfare and other Easter-type buzz render the hope of salvation dead?
The death of Christ on the cross that lasted three days has not only humiliated the power of mortality but confirms that although we live we must be dead like Christ in order to live again like him. Granted we have accepted Christ and abide by Him, how do we get to die, arise again before dying another day? Like the seasons of the year, we are somehow dead in winter, arise in the spring, blossom and grow in the summer and at some point we wither with the fall and return to dust in ultimate physical death. At each of these moments we are proclaimed dead until we live again with Christ.
One way to live life in fullness is to kill death in fullness (John 10:10). For Christ to remain alive in us we must ensure that the devil is proclaimed totally dead in our lives. This may sound impossible but with God all things are possible. The devil will always try to scare us, tempt us, steal from us and even kill us should we fail to tap into the overcoming strength and living faith that’s alive not only at Easter but forever.
With this in mind all of God’s children must declare victory over death, plant a new seed of life and roll away everything that stands at the gate to everlasting life. The hope and faith that comes with Easter would last forever if we could do as little as greet each other every day with the words: “Happy Immortal Easter and God bless you!”
We might not escape the mockery such greetings may bring our way; one thing however is for sure: we would not be missing out entirely on the blessings that roll down from heaven into the lives of those who revisit the resurrection all the days of their lives.
Irine Lum Asanji (aka LIA) is a freelance writer and journalist based in Brampton, Canada. Born and raised in Cameroon the daughter and sister of Pastors, LIA immigrated to Canada in 2006. She holds an undergraduate degree in Journalism (University of Buea, Cameroon) and a postgraduate degree in Visual Anthropology (University of Tromso, Norway). She has worked as a journalist and Communication Officer with the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon (PCC). LIA recently designed and launched a website geared towards Marriage and Family enrichment services, which serves as her ministry and her private business. She is an employee with Broan-Nutone Canada and became born-again in 2011 making her more evangelistic in her approach to writing. She speaks English, French, German and Norwegian. She is a mother of two and enjoys singing, cooking, dancing and a good laugh. She writes under her name and her pen name LIA which also means Lord Is Able.
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