By Quenesha McNair
During the latter part of my twenties, I found myself really craving more from my spiritual life. I had grown weary of self-defeating thoughts and desired to exist in happiness and peace. I was raised Christian and have a huge amount of respect for the Christian belief system and its ideals, but I constantly questioned the methodology of the practice and some of the tolerated approaches to emerging social norms like homosexuality and other religious practices.
As a person who does not value any form of judgment or racism because I believe that it is rooted in ignorance, I found it hard to agree with the subtle and not so subtle attacks being made and thus began to look for a different spiritual outlet. It is true that whatever we need in life for progression is already in our environment, and with that realization, I began to be more instinctively aware of the expression of spirituality through the people in my life and decided to pay attention to the differences.
Positive Influences
There were two people who directly influenced my decision to consider Nichiren Buddhism. The first person was my best friend of many years who I’d watched traverse through obstacle after obstacle in life unscathed and triumphant. I had quietly observed her face major challenges as a woman and a mother, meanwhile preserving the most welcoming and loving demeanor that anyone could ask to have. She was always full of joy and able to share her joy with those of us who needed frequent refills!
The second person was my hair stylist. She too was a woman full of ferocious faith who constantly spewed positivity and determination in every conversation. I sat front row to some of her dimmest moments in life and watched her proceed on her journey full of conviction in her faith and her expected victory. Both of these women were accepting, loving and non-judgmental all the times! I was amazed and intrigued. I had been raised to believe that Jesus and belief in His Spirit’s power was the only way to true victory, but had the pleasure of observing quite the opposite.
Leap of Faith
When I decided to take the leap of faith and consider Nichiren Buddhism, I was very discreet. I knew that those around me would question the future of our relationship because many Christians are taught to separate from those of a different faith.
I started chanting Nam-Myo-Renge-Kyo (just like Tina Turner) in the late summer of 2010 and was instructed by many of the Buddhist partners to document my goals and aspirations and in addition to absolute happiness, I would begin to see those desires manifest in my life. Sounds like magic right? I can admit that I was a skeptic, but as a practitioner of Nichiren Buddhism who has experienced this mystical power countless times throughout my journey, I am constantly amazed at how much more fulfilling my life has been since beginning my journey with Nichiren Buddhism.
My initial requests were pretty big (at least to me). I chanted for absolute happiness because I was in a deep pit of depression, I chanted for a new car (luxury SUV to be exact) and I chanted for debt cancellation.
New Habits
I used to drive to work chanting Nam-Myo-Renge-Kyo determined to see the proof of this practice in my life. Due to the Buddhists members’ encouragement to keep chanting, my disposition in life and demeanor began to change immediately. I internally became aware of my own contributions to my unhappiness through my defeating thoughts, my poor choice of friends, my addiction to harmful substances, my refusal to create balance within my relationships with work, friends and other external commitments.
True to the wisdom of my fellow Nichiren Buddhists practioners, the practice of chanting helped me to become enlightened to who I truly was and it also helped me to develop the courage to change and progress as a human being. In Buddhism, we call this process “Human Revolution” and this process is the most important objective of this practice. The more we as individuals grow and the happier we become, we are able to be catalysts for the improvement of our environment!
A New Life Just beyond the victory of overcoming depression, the mystical power of Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyoreally went into overdrive! I had recently begun a new position and the employer contacted me after about 30 days in my position and stated that he wanted to offer me a reward for my performance. He’d noticed that I was car shopping and wanted to make it easier by introducing me to his preferred sales associate with the local Lexus dealership and that the company would help me obtain a new car! I was beyond ecstatic and nervous because I really did not know how it would all work out. So that afternoon, we went to the Lexus dealership and I was asked to select one of three brand-spanking new luxury SUVs. After selecting and test driving my new vehicle (which was a fully loaded 2010 Lexus RX 350), I proceeded to complete the paperwork for the transaction. During the process, the sales associate asked me to sign over the rights to my current vehicle as it was being acquired in the transaction. See the blessing ?! I owed over $18,000 for the car that I was driving. During the transaction, not only did I receive my luxury SUV (in the form of a company vehicle), but that $18,000 was wiped off the books for me immediately and permanently – talk about debt cancellation! So in one transaction and with a moment’s notice, I received my luxury SUV and my debt cancellation. From that moment on, I was a believer!
Girded with Faith
It was hard to gain acceptance. I went through and still endure being judged for being different. I have always been very respectful of my mother and will always honor her only request which was to never disrespect Jesus and the Christian faith. I also listen to inspirational messages from Christian leaders from time to time, because I appreciate wisdom.
What most don’t realize is that the core beliefs of Christianity are also the core beliefs of Buddhism – world peace, happiness for humanity and charity. Both practices believe that fortifying one’s faith will escort you through the personal transformation needed to obtain the objectives of the practice. Both practices believe in the perfect wisdom innately locked within each of us.
One of the differences that I have found through experience is in the expression of these beliefs.
Also, another difference is that although Nichiren Buddhism is represented in every nation throughout the world, the practice is uniform wherever you go. I have lived in other countries while practicing Buddhism and my experiences abroad have been identical to my experiences in the United States.
Additionally, Nichiren Buddhists are also very respectful of other spiritual practices. I would say that the greatest difference and the deal sealer for me is that Nichiren Buddhists believe in taking full and complete responsibility for one’s own life. We do not blame others for our misfortune or seek spiritual authority for our enlightenment. The ultimate goal is world peace and the happiness of humanity and this is achieved through a spiritual interdependent practice that leads an individual through their personal transformation, better known as human revolution.
The most amazing benefit that I have received since practicing Buddhism is courage. I went from being a corporate slave, afraid of my own personal power and ability to a budding entrepreneur whose desire is to exhaust my gifts and talents and help those around me do the same. I have always had the desire to be a money-earning homemaker (even though I am single without kids) and through my relationships, I have found the vehicle to allow me to do just that.
Girded with my faith and determination, in 2012 I launched a technology and energy franchise that has allowed me to create excellent income for myself and my Mom. In less than one year, I have advanced throughout the company’s compensation plan and I am on target to really seeing tremendous financial success within the next five years.
I am fully convinced that my decision to choose Nichiren Buddhism as my spiritual vehicle has introduced me to who I was born to be and that its contribution to the strengthening of my faith and the structuring of my belief system will provide me with the mental and spiritual endurance to win in my journey of life because in this practice, we believe that victory is the only way!
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(First published in Dunia PRINT Magazine Issue 10 – pg 20)
Too bad you couldn't bring your new found spirituality to your work. The negative energy that I witnessed as recently as 2013 in no way demonstrates those principles upon which Buddhism was founded or Christianity, Judaism, or any other religion for that matter. You failed in your work at representing your communities, and left dozens if not hundreds to pay for your irresponsibility and carelessness (emphasis on "Care Less" because you clearly didn't.) But hey! … you got your Lexus! That doesn't seem too shallow does it Nicole Quenesha? Chant away!
Hi! I recently decided to re-read this amazing article (thanks Dunia Magazine) and for the first time read the comments! WOW! So I will say this "Silver Bullet" (don't hide behind a screen name) your comment truly illustrates why I chose to leave the real estate management industry and the corporate world in general. Nothing is ever as it seems. Ever. So I am grateful to now be the face of my companies where we offer and deliver services within our capacity and that I am able to give GENEROUSLY quality service from my heart without the threat of mean-spirited clients who quickly judge based on their very limited insight as to what is really happening within the organization that they've contracted to deliver a service. Please know that your perspective and response is greatly appreciated! Like GREATLY! You've just reminded me of why I am an entrepreneur! xoxo!!