By Anze Mofor
success tipsChose your thoughts carefully. I once took a trip to San Francisco with a friend and on our way there, we drove for six hours in daylight. Explored the city and all the beautiful history behind it. On our way back, we took the scenic route with beautiful ocean views and hill sides. Suddenly darkness came upon us and even though the GPS was showing how much time we had left before we arrived at our destination and the exact approximate time of arrival, I shocked myself when I asked the question, “Where are we going? It’s so dark I can’t even see the road ahead.”

My friend who was confidently driving, recognized my fear and said, “Relax, I just took a short cut that will get us home 30 minutes earlier.”

Because I was not familiar with that route and I could not see far ahead, fear was creeping in and I began to welcome it. I almost forgot about the GPS and the fact that my destination was home bound regardless of which road I took. The positive thoughts about the trip were instantly intercepted because I was distracted by the darkness and the unfamiliar route we were taking to return home.

Everyone of us was created with a gift and a purpose. The limitations we experience mostly start from our thinking. Our thoughts either drive us into depression or help us rise to our highest potential. It is a matter of choosing which of the thoughts we wish to feed. Everyone has a different story that reflects their thoughts and beliefs. We have the choice to either develop the confidence to live beyond current limitations, or sink into a rot and be miserable.

Try telling your story to yourself in a mirror. Pretend your image in the mirror is someone else and then see if you evoke self-pity due to your recollections of all the sad things that have happened to you or if you exude excitement and a sense of ambition about your future regardless of where you have been in the past. If you don’t like your story, then now is a good time to change it. This change begins with your thinking.

Your circle of influence. My mother used to tell me “if you have a friend and you are not adding any value to their life in one way or another, then it is a waste of time and friendship.”

What types of discussions are you having with your friends? Are you always proud to share your big dreams with them or are you afraid they will laugh at your dreams and kill them? If you have friends who laugh at your dreams then it is time to make new friends. I am not saying you go around making enemies because people do not buy into your big idea. Sometimes even your parents, spouse or siblings will not support that big idea until it starts to look like a possibility. That is when you’ll need a circle of influence that will provide the necessary support until your parents or spouse catch on. You do not have to disrespect them in the process. They just don’t see eye to eye with your dream but they still care about you and other aspects of your life that are important to them.

Start by finding a friend who believes in you, also seek out a mentor and/or a coach. Such relationships help to keep you in check when the storms of life roll in as you build your dream.

Network. Have you noticed how there are specific networks and associations for specific career groups? When was the last time you attended a network or association that is related to your career or interest? There are plenty of networks and associations for teachers, doctors, engineers, lawyers, nurses, business, diplomats, coaching, authors and many more. That is because they understand that people need support in their careers or fields of interest. Do you remember having a fun group of friends when you were back in kindergarten or middle school?

Take a good look at the people you associate yourself with, do you learn from them and provide them value as well or do you help each other drown? It is your choice.

Anze Mofor is an Author, Speaker, Consultant.

(Article featured in DUNIA PRINT Magazine Issue 10 – pg 27)


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