“Many people say mobile devices have made them more efficient and productive, able to manage more, and stay informed. Alexander Graham Bell, credited with inventing the telephone, never could have imagined how such a simple communication device would change our world forever.” (Statisticbrain.com)
Recent statistics (June 2013) by Qualcomm in which 4,900 people were polled about mobile device use, reveal the following: 29% of respondents indicated that their mobile phone is the first and last thing they look at each day, 18% said they need to have the latest mobile technology, 37% check their mobile device every 30 minutes or less, 34% expressed that they could only go a few hours without their mobile phone; 32% prefer to communicate by text message, 20% have asked someone on a date via text; 65% say their mobile device make them better parents; 66% would take their mobile device to work over their lunch.
According to a 2012 World Bank report, there are 6 billion phones in use around the world, and an estimated 70 percent of the world’s poorest people have access to them. The developing world is now using mobile phones at higher rates than those in developed nations. In countries like Indonesia and Kenya for example, over 80% of the population has a mobile phone.
As applies to cell phone etiquette, Dan Briody of Appleseeds.org has the following to share with readers:
There comes a time in any technological revolution when some basic guidelines need to be laid down. It happened when e-mail exploded on the scene and people started to learn some basic dos and don’ts around the new medium.…There are some real abuses of wireless technology being perpetrated all around us, and the time has come to create some social order out of the cell phone chaos…so think of this as the first Ten Commandments of cell phone etiquette, with amendments to follow:
Well, I’m all thou-ed and thy-ed out, so there you have it: the first 10 rules of using your cell phone. Most of these seem like common sense to me, but they all get broken every day.
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