Tony Robbins shares 5 keys to changing your life and creating long-term, sustainable success. These notes are based on a 2009 Success Magazine article on the world renowned life coach and fitness guru, Tony Robbins.

Here are 5 ways to follow through and experience success:

1. Raise your standards. Changes do not last long until they become part of our identity, until we begin to see them as the standard to live by. “Raising your standards truly means turning your shoulds into musts.” People have a long list of things they should be doing like spending more time with family, losing more weight, or working on a business plan, but most end up never doing about these things. Convert these “shoulds” into “musts” and your entire life changes.

2. Change Your Limiting Beliefs. The goal may be crystal clear, and truly a must, but many people still find themselves failing, pulling back or even sabotaging themselves. Tony Robbins says this may be because of Inner Conflicts. For example, you have a burning desire to experience financial abundance and be wealthy, but you also have a conflicting belief that says, “I don’t want people to judge me.” Or you may believe that you’re not smart enough, strong enough, educated enough. Unresolved inner conflicts cause us to fail. Robbins encourages you to discover these inner conflicts and realign yourself, because when everything inside of us is moving toward what we want without hold-backs, the resulting certainty moves us to consistent action, and helps us tap into our fullest potential, resulting in great success.

3. Model Strategies That Work. Success leaves clues. If someone is having tremendous success in their business, or relationship, or they are healthy and happy, that’s because they’ve got a set of strategies that they apply which work. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel; simply model these and learn from them. That’s how to compress decades into days.

4. Intensify Your Emotions. “It’s inevitable that life will hit us with something that feels like a crushing blow, whether an illness, a business setback, or a problem within the family. But this is a critical moment that, if faced directly will give you the muscle of life – psychological strength – if we simply look at it as a gift from God and find a way to use it.” Intensify your emotions by being determined to find a way to conquer, not be defeated. Turn traumatic moments into launching pads for some of your greatest victories. These moments determine our destiny.

5. Give Much More Than You Expect To Receive. Tony Robbins wants you to remember that the secret to living is giving. What ultimately shapes the meaning of our lives is not what we get, but what we give. We’re not made to be selfish, if we can make it a goal to each day find a way to add value to someone else’ life, then we’ll never have to worry about success. We experience the ultimate victory of life when we feel like our lives matter and we’re givers, not takers. It brings joy.

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