Alexandra Gallagher is an award winning artist born in 1980, in Lancashire, England. In a brief Q & A with DUNIA Magagazine, the British artist shares thoughts on her work and core values, including some of her captivating pieces.

Alexandra Gallagher art

What do you love most about your work?
I think the thing I love the most about my work is the freedom. I get to express myself creatively and every day is different. I also get to meet some amazing people that have been truly inspirational in what I do.

How do you judge success as an artist?
Hmm… that’s a tricky one! I feel it is subjective to the individual. People may feel that being a successful artist means winning lots of awards or selling lots of work. For me personally, I feel it’s a successful work, and an honour, if somebody can truly relate to a piece I’ve created. I often get messages from people telling me how my artwork really speaks to them. Sometimes they tell me very personal stories about themselves. Memories or feelings they have that my art reminded them of.

Tell us about the core values that guide you as a person.
I would say my core values would be honesty, fairness, compassion and kindness. I feel we should always treat others how we would like to be treated and that if someone needs help, then we should help if we can. There are too many people in the world who only see things from their own point of view. They will judge harshly and will be unkind, without looking at the bigger picture. This is dangerous. This is what makes us dehumanise others. To have such arrogance goes against how I feel you should be as a person or treat other people, because none of us truly knows what we’re doing. We’re all just winging it and hoping no one finds out! We’re all scared and trying to live our lives the best way we can. Maybe if we were all a little more selfless and showed more compassion, we would not see so much hurt.

Where can readers find your work?
You can find most of my work and updates through my website which links to my blog and social networks. There you will see updates on what I’m working on, upcoming exhibitions and new pieces. You can also find my work exclusively on art wear through Los Angeles based fashion label Sociale Revolution


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Twitter : @alexgallagher80
Instagram: @alexgallagher80

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