Author: Fanitra Brantley Sacred Tears by Fanitra Brantley

ISBN: 978-1-5049-7594-0
No. of pages: 100

As I soaked myself in page after page of Fanitra Brantley’s Sacred Tears, a singular bible verse from John the evangelist kept on nudging at me: “Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it to you.” (John 15:16). But then, at what price Apostle John? I beg to ask, the mere mortal that I am, “At what price?”

Sacred Tears is a new book by Fanitra Brantley published in 2016 by ArthurHouse.

It is one of those captivating stories that you won’t put down until the end. Not only is it eye-opening, it draws you into a world that is seldom talked about – a genuine recount of what it is like to be married to a pastor – daily struggles, questions, hopes and aspirations beyond numerous spirit-filled church services, and grandiose conferences and seminars that wives face.

In Sacred Tears, Fanitra Brantley tells the story (her story) of a young couple in a leadership position dealing with real life issues of growing a family and congregation, of being zoomed into multiple roles of mother, housewife and church First Lady, and the rude awakening that happens when infidelity rocks her house and the other woman refuses to allow her husband (Pastor) to cover his tracks.

The Pastor’s words are no longer “the word” as the first lady seeks answers amidst floating rumors. Well-put-together smiles begin to vanish underneath the scourge of betrayal, perfect “God is good” replies turn into curse words and glamorous hats are exchanged for boxing gloves… what more is there to hide?

“After what appeared to be an hour of mourning, I called my husband, who was at the Church. I was crying uncontrollably, while cussing him out at the same time! I was yelling and cussing at him! He could barely make sense of what I was saying. I told him that all his shit would be out in the front yard when he came home! After hanging up the phone in his face, all I could see was red!” (pg 64).

Lady Fanitra is bold to pull back the curtains into the humanity of men & women who strive to serve God, and what price there may be to pay when perfection is expected from the imperfect that society has placed on church pedestals.

Sacred Tears is a story about hard work, leadership, sacrifice and personal prices paid. The book takes you on a dramatic journey of love, growth, pain and recovery. It’s a book written by a tenacious woman and protective mother, a woman who has found her purpose to inspire and now lends a voice of healing to the world. Sacred Tears is a must-read. It will inspire you as it speaks to the strength of the human spirit.

Available on Amazon

Sacred Tears by Fanitra Brantley
DUNIA MAG Review: Sacred Tears

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Also by Lema Abeng: BOOK REVIEW: The Last Days of Ptolemy Grey by Walter Mosley

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