Why elect the usual politician? “That’s just electing the problem to fix the problem.” (Brion Mcclanahan, Breitbart News Network, Mar 7, 2016.)
America is in trouble: ISIS concerns, $18 trillion debt, broken borders, joblessness and crime, SCOTUS and POTUS making laws without the Legislative Branch. We are in serious trouble and people need to see it.
Well, what are our options? Lying Hillary? Bernie Socialist? … Donald Trump? Whoa, no way! Not him!
He’s not politically correct. Donald Trump’s mouth is a problem. He is brash and has no filter. He is a loose cannon, a blowhard, a loudmouth, a bully. Right?
Think with me. What is right for this nation? A presidential machine advised on what to say? Another puppet controlled by governmental ventriloquists? Hey, that is what traditionally happens.
Look, Trump is tactless, sure, that’s true. So what? That’s why you refuse to listen? He’s not afraid to say what he believes, he’s ignited an honest debate, and that doesn’t bother me.
So, what do I propose?
Move past the brashness and painful expressions, past the rage, to actually listen to what the man has to say. Graduate from the junior high focus group. Step away from the college campus safe-space where others can’t offend. Open the eyes to see past the lack of tact. Take the time to tune in to the meaning of Trump’s message. Do this and you might be amazed instead of offended at the man.
Some accusations include: Trump does not give concrete answers to policy questions. He is all image and no substance, just a reality TV star with no concept of the Constitution or the American government. He is racist and sexist, not conservative and electable. Just turn on the news!
Here’s a closer look:
The Economy: Trump wants to return manufacturing jobs to America. Bringing jobs here results in job growth and economic gain.
His ideas: “I’m sick of always reading about outsourcing. Why aren’t we talking about “Onshoring”? We need to bring manufacturing jobs back home where they belong. Onshoring, or “repatriation,” is a way for us to take back the jobs China is stealing. We know that China’s wages are increasing. Also, China lacks certain natural resources that we have in abundance. If we exploit those two key facts, we can begin making the case to companies that they should bring their manufacturing facilities home to America. Onshoring has huge potential. That’s why Congress need(s) to pass Virginia Congressman Frank Wolf’s bill called the “Bring Jobs Back to America Act” (H.R.516) to help expand the Onshoring movement and get American jobs back where they belong–here in America.” (Time to Get Tough, by Donald Trump, p. 37-39 , Dec 5, 2011.)
“I am all for free trade, but it’s got to be fair. When Ford moves their massive plants to Mexico, we get nothing. I want them to stay in Michigan.” (Fox News Sunday 2015 Coverage of 2016 presidential hopefuls , Oct 18, 2015.) “Congratulations. I understand that you’re building a nice $2.5 billion car factory in Mexico and that you’re going to take your cars and sell them to the US zero tax, just flow them across the border…Let me give you the bad news. Every car and every part manufactured in this plant that comes across the border, we’re going to charge you a 35% tax, and that tax is going to be paid simultaneously with the transaction.” (2015 announcement speeches of 2016 presidential hopefuls , June 16, 2015.)
“If we want jobs in America, we need to enact my 5-part tax policy: kill the death tax; lower the tax rates on capital gains and dividends; eliminate corporate taxes in order to create more American jobs; mandate a 15% tax for outsourcing jobs and a 20% tax for importing goods, and enact the 1-5-10-15 income tax plan [four brackets with a top rate of 15%]. (The) Government needs to stop pick-pocketing your wallet. Every time it does, it slows growth and kills jobs. It’s also immoral.” (Time to Get Tough, by Donald Trump, p. 65, Dec 5, 2011.)
Trump is a business executive. He built his business and will run America like a business. This is much more beneficial than career politicians catering to big donors.
We need Trump’s negotiating skills. He will negotiate better trade deals. He is obviously one of the most successful businessmen on the planet. He will negotiate with the other branches of government, make the government work for us again, not government mandated programs. Trump will be loyal to America, not political parties or special interest groups, putting America first economically.
“Our country is in serious trouble. We don’t win anymore. We don’t beat China in trade. We don’t beat Japan, with their millions and millions of cars coming into this country, in trade. We can’t beat Mexico, at the border or in trade. We can’t do anything right. Our military has to be strengthened. Our vets have to be taken care of. We have to end Obama Care, and we have to make our country great again, and I will do that.” (Fox News/Facebook Top Ten First Tier debate transcript, Aug 6, 2015.)
Immigration: He says, “We’re going to bring people in, but we’re going to bring people in legally.” (Candy Woodall, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, April 21, 2016.) Building a wall is isolationist? Really? Right now we have wide open borders, thanks to Obama. That’s dangerous! This nation has already been attacked by illegals.
Many thousands of undocumented illegals are unaccounted for. Have terrorists entered? We don’t know because they are undocumented. Am I afraid of Mexican or Muslim immigration? No, not specifically. And not if it’s done legally.
Think about it. Undocumented people do not sneak in to become legal citizens. They play the governmental handout system to their advantage. My tax dollars pay for it.
Obama authorized illegal immigration. Indeed. Wait, what? How?
Obama opened our border with his all powerful pen through “executive actions”; creating laws by himself, without the consent of the people or our elected representatives in Congress. His sovereign pen wrote into existence “Sanctuary cities” for immigrants. They get protection, free services, and amenities reserved for citizens (driver licenses, in-state college tuition rates). Democrats like this because new arrivals support the Party of big government handouts.
Citizens deserve tax dollar funded aid. Citizens do. Where is the outrage? Why am I paying for this? Making America great means making American citizens safe. Trump says he will do that.
Guns: Trump is pro-Second Amendment. Hillary will stifle the right to own guns by expanding background checks, making it tougher to own a gun. Really? Take away the guns from her security team and see where that gets her.
Here’s Trump, “…the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed upon.” (Alexandra Jaffe, The Courier Journal, Apr 13, 2016). The Paris attacks: Trump says, “You can say what you want, but if they had guns, if our people had guns, if they were allowed to carry –” Trump said, pausing as the crowd erupted into raucous applause, “– it would’ve been a much, much different situation.” (Jeremy Diamond, CNN, Nov 14, 2015.)
Citizens of the United States, those of us who wish to, should own a gun. A criminal background check is sufficient. Look, we have the right to defend our homes from the government, and from break-ins. That right should never be taken away and never should have been messed with in the first place.
Foreign policy: He will take the fight to ISIS, “I would say knock the hell out of the oil and do it because it’s a primary source of money for ISIS,” said Trump. If elected, Trump told the Times he might also halt the purchase of oil from Saudi Arabia and other Arab allies because they’ve been unwilling to send their troops in on the ground to fight against ISIS despite efforts by President Barack Obama to have them join a U.S.-led coalition (Khorri Atkinson,, Mar 26, 2016).
Trump says that the Iraq war was a mistake. American blood was shed in a misguided attempt to restructure the Middle East. A conservative American foreign policy would place American interests first, ahead of foreign nations.
Education: “I am totally against Common Core.” (South Carolina Tea Party Convention, Myrtle Beach, January 2015.) “That’s a disaster. That’s bad. It should be local and all of that.” (Iowa Freedom Summit, Des Moines, Iowa, January 2015.) “Common Core is a very bad thing. I think that it should be local education.” (Fox News Sunday 2015 Coverage of 2016 presidential hopefuls, Oct 18, 2015.)
“Our schools aren’t safe. On top of that, our kids aren’t learning. Too many are dropping out of school and into the street life-and too many of those who do graduate are getting diplomas that have been devalued into “certificates of attendance” by a dumbed-down curriculum that asks little of teachers and less of students. Schools are crime-ridden and they don’t teach.” (The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p. 67 , Jul 2, 2000.)
Trump was accused of sexism by Hillary Clinton, so he pointed out Bill Clinton’s affair with Monica Lewinsky and his history of sexual misconduct. Missing here, between Hilary and Trump, is that Hilary had no facts to back her up. Trump has had no scandals or brushes with the law that this author can find. You can’t say that with Hillary. What about it? How does Trump treat his employees? Women?
Let’s take a look at his record.
Female employees: Lynne Patton, Director of The Eric Trump Foundation & Assistant to Eric Trump, Ivanka Trump & Donald Trump Jr., says, “The Trump family that I know is, without question, one of the most generous, compassionate and philanthropic families I’ve ever had the privilege of knowing and the honor to call friends,” she says. “They have been incredibly loyal to me and the countless dedicated people they employ around the world – hiring more minority and female executives than any other company for which I’ve ever worked.” (Jack Davis,, May 3, 2016.)
Family Life: Two divorces? Marriages sometimes don’t work out; however, he’s on friendly terms with both ex-wives. And his children express what a loving, supportive father he’s been, all of whom have stayed away from scandal and disgrace despite growing up in the spotlight.
Many women support Mr. Trump. He’s not sexist. He’s not a career politician. He treats women as tough as he treats men. If he were sexist, he would not have promoted so many female executives. Republican women will vote for him because they can’t stand Hillary Clinton. By the way, Hillary thought Obama would make a good Supreme Court judge. Really? Oh, and Trump says he intends to prosecute her if elected president.
Our future with a president Trump can put America back to its former greatness, when we meant something in the world. It would be nice to have a President again.
Restore our Constitutional America!
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