Book: THE SCIENCE OF STORY SELLING: How to Win the Hearts & Minds of Your Prospects for Profits and Purpose
Author: Gideon F. For-mukwai The Science of Story Selling by Gideon F. For-mukwai

ISBN: 978-981-09-5103-0
No. of pages: 196
Published: May 2015

“If you wish to influence an individual or a group to embrace a particular value in their daily lives, tell them a compelling story.” – Annette Simmons.

Yes … the secret is out!

We all have a story … what’s yours? Or better still, what message are you inspired to share? Chances are at some point, especially in this free-flowing information age of social media et al, you may have chewed over what to say or how best to express some thought to a listening or not so interested ear.

The Science of Story Selling by Gideon F. For-mukwai reveals why (and how) the greatest speakers and orators are able to shape society’s thinking; how movie makers are able to grab our attention and hold it (sometimes for a lifetime), why favorite songs tug at our heartstrings and make us cry, how certain brands blossom from obscurity into mega household names.

It’s all in the art and science of effective storytelling.

“Having been a professional speaker for several decades, I know the importance of business storytelling as a powerful vehicle for conveying ideas and messages to my audience and clients in over 100 countries.” (Author’s Foreword)

Upon reading The Science of Story Selling, we begin to understand this powerful phenomenon; the importance of being able to craft and communicate your message such that it captures the reader/listener’s attention and connects with them in an unforgettable way.

“…when you are crafting your story, [paying] close attention to your choice of words can go a long way in insinuating or generating a different picture in the mind of your audience. Take for example, the words brush and crush. They are very similar, but one is far stronger.” (page 23)

The Science of Story Selling contains practical steps and clearly outlined strategies for professionals and persons who engage in any form of communication. Carefully researched and witty, Mr For-mukwai’s book addresses topics ranging from how the brain receives certain words, different types of stories experts tell, how to conduct yourself when giving a presentation, to raising your price with effective storytelling. It’s a book that will help refine your delivery and transform the way you share ideas.

The Science of Story Selling – How to Win the Hearts & Minds of Your Prospects for Profits and Purpose is packed with valuable information and techniques infused with the author’s signature humor. This book is one you cannot afford to miss.

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