The Futa are groups of West Africans located in Guinea, Mali, Sierra Leone, and Senegal. The FGM documentary you are about to watch also provides some insight into their culture, lifestyle and sense of community. Predominantly Muslim, the Futa are mostly descendants of Fulani herdsmen with whom they maintain identical cultural practices.
The practice of Female Genital Mutilation or FGM, which is the partial or complete removal of a female’s genitalia or clitoris (also known as circumcision or cutting) is traditionally handed down through generations. Guinea for example, is one of the countries where FGM is most prevalent – 97% of women and girls aged 15 to 49 are reported to have undergone FGM.
Due to rising awareness on the dangers of FGM and increasing sensitization campaigns by various groups, the UN is reporting that larger numbers of the population (especially women) in some regions where the practice of FGM is common (and where awareness is increasing), are in favor of ending it.
In the following Tostan International FGM documentary, Harouna, a religious community leader travels to various Futa villages that have abandoned FGM seeking an understanding of why and how.
FGM Documentary
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