BY DUNIA MAG / Twitter: @duniamagazine
It’s that time of the year again. DUNIA Magazine’s annual Conversations Event is around the corner.
Why not step things up a notch?! By putting some action behind our ongoing dialogue—with the Make A New Friend Challenge.
The Challenge:
Make a new friend(s) by the end of the summer. And invite them to your home, or out for a drink.
Africans invite an African American friend.
African Americans invite an African friend.
Reach out to a person from a different African country or cultural background in your community and get to know them.
Reconnect with old friends and rekindle friendships.
Give them a taste of your culture
Share some tasty food, light up the grill, or simply have a coffee or drink together
Get to know them
Have a real conversation about culture, upbringing, values and general worldview.
Share the Experience
Share photos with the group:
Twitter: use hashtag #MakeANewFriend or #DUNIABridgingTheGap
The Goal
Dialogue and practical action steps have the power to erase stereotypes, ease future interactions and mend divides that may exist in our communities.
Meanwhile, if you are in the Atlanta area, plan to join us on September 16, 2015 for a weekend of Enlightenment and Entertainment.
Thank you
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