Throughout our lifetimes we enter relationships and these relationships can be described as either compatible or incompatible.

What are the signs that show you and your partner fit? What signs show you both don’t quite fit? Does your relationship have an abundance of the different types of intimacy, or is it lacking in some or even most? Why would you be drawn to someone who isn’t a fit for you?

Dr. Spirit is a Mental Health Expert and Licensed Therapist based in Atlanta. She was on The Mel Robbins Show to discuss Compatibility from a professional perspective.

Watch the video below and be informed on the subject and get tips on how to judge whether your relationship is compatible or incompatible. Also, complete the quiz at the end to give you an idea of your compatibility with your partner. Suggestion… invite your partner to watch this video with you.

Love and Compatibility Video

Love and Compatibility, Dr Spirit
Dr. Spirit discusses the Psychology of Compatibility with Mel Robbins

What are your thoughts about love, compatibility & why people are attracted to certain types?


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