Let’s take a slightly different spin on this: life as it and life as it may be for years to come. Many events have led to where we are today and some of them started centuries ago. What has captured the world’s attention recently might just bring about the moment that saves it. I am neither an expert nor a figure of authority, as they are formally recognized. But I too have just but a few words to share.
May the souls of all those who have died rest in peace. And may the minds of those still living be altered. It is our only hope to manage our suffering, but don’t ask me how I know. We have suffered for as long as I can remember, all the while in-cognizant of the control we have – the power we have to effect change in our lives or in the lives of others. But the nature of man yet again fails us and has led to a moment of reckoning. Where the makeup of our hearts has continued to manifest our world. Things are getting out of control.
The world for long has been filled with noise and distractions. It is now time to think and reflect. For it is in the quiet moments you hear the loudest noise. Covid-19 has brought that silence. What do you hear? Or have you quickly usurped that precious silence with more noise and distractions? Some of you were perhaps even glad to be legally mandated to stay away from family, friends and coworkers so that you wouldn’t have to deal with them – a break from the pretense. We have lived in pretense for so long that we have failed to see how we have contributed to the state of the world today.
I am not a writer. I am still trying to figure this thing out. But my words are loaded. And I can only give them to you in doses. There is nothing wrong with the world but you. Your world is merely a reflection of you. I don’t know how else to say this, but to control your world you first have to understand the control of self. There is nothing that occurs in the outer world that does not already have a place inside you. Even the things you see and scorn upon. Greed, hate, and close-mindedness are but the deadliest of sins. Our sins are many but love conquers them all. And yet, they remain, to this day, all antagonists of love. Until you realise that our faults as individuals, that is the sins we wrestle with, are the cause of our suffering, individually and collectively, the world will continue to experience turbulent turns.
But all you can do is start to play your part. Start to use this precious time to listen to the loudest noises inside you. Be still. Reflect on things that are happening – how they affect your life and even more importantly, how it may be impacting the lives of others. Your neighbour. A family member. A different country. It is only when you start to care more about others that you get to understand your own suffering better. Isn’t that a fascinating relationship? Being more compassionate to ease your suffering? Being more compassionate does not constitute the act of giving. Being more compassionate is reflecting on how you might be contributing to the suffering of another. Stay tuned!
Yours Truly,
Your Conscience!
DUNIA POLL (Participate and see how others are voting)

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