NONFICTION: Your nonfiction article, which can be an opinion piece, how-to/tips, recount of a personal experience, an inspirational, humorous or investigative piece, or a new product introduction, will be considered for publication, regardless of whether you are a published writer/author or not. Length should be 500-2000 words preferably. Please note that longer writings (more than 2500, but no more than 7500 words) are more likely to be published in DUNIA print magazine. Writings MUST be original. We do not accept nonfiction articles that have been published elsewhere.

FICTION: DUNIA aims to bring to readers exciting fiction and poetry from both published and emerging writers around the world. In the same light as DUNIA’s multicultural theme, we would gladly publish literary works that defy cultural boundaries, the kind of work that anyone can feel comfortable reading. We prefer short fiction of 500-2000 words hinged on various aspects of the human condition. We are not particularly keen on genre fiction. Our preference is literary fiction that can speak to people in ways that make them feel a sense of change in themselves.

Poetry should be limited to at most 50 lines, and should be character-driven. We would love to publish your free verse poems written such that anyone who can joggle the alphabet would enjoy reading. Send a maximum of five poems in one document, as an attachment or pasted within the email.

Simultaneous submissions elsewhere are acceptable in the Fiction category, and if that is the case, be kind to inform us of where the work has been previously accepted.

IMAGES: DUNIA is always interested in photography and art, especially photographs/images depicting cultural and societal realities, nature and landscapes, fashion, beauty and style, and general living activities. These would be featured online or in our print magazine. All necessary background information, and relevant credits and attributions should be included in your submission.

How to submit

Submissions sent as attachments can be in doc, docx. Images should be in .jpg or png format.

In the title line, please specify type of submission, e.g. write Submission: article, fiction, or poetry, followed by author’s name. In cover letter write a third person biography of yourself in not more than 3 lines. Also include your contact details.

We are currently not offering financial compensation to contributors.

Copyrights remain the author’s for reprints. Authors are responsible for the originality of their work.

>> Email to: [email protected]

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