Religion Causes Worldwide Immigration Crisis! Will the United Nations Eradicate It? Author Sam Jane Brown explores the ban of religion in her debut novel […]
Historic Machu Picchu by The Inca: World Mesmerized, Researchers Still Seeking Answers
Machu Picchu located in northwest of Cuzco Region, Peru stands over 8,000 feet above sea-level and sprawls across some 116 square miles, the size of […]
Stunning images by South African Mikhael Subotzky depicting racial equality/inequality
Award winning artist Mikhael Subotzky was born in 1981 in Cape Town, South Africa. He currently resides in Johannesburg. Mikhael Subotzky’s work, profound and widely […]
Pope’s speech awakens conscience of US Congress. Notable excepts and full video
Pope Francis addresses a joint meeting of Congress on Capitol Hill in Washington, on Thursday. Evan Vucci/AP – “I am most grateful for your […]
Mombasa: Undeclared firearms, drugs found in UN vehicles destined for DRC
A vessel at the Port of Mombasa that inter-agency security personnel searched for drugs and firearms during a raid on Thursday night. Photo/ELKANA JACOB […]
Health: A text message a day will keep the doctor away
Photo: Reuters/Robert Galbraith BY LISA RAPAPORT (Reuters Health) – Texting patients regular reminders to do things like eat right, exercise more and smoke less […]
What A Bike Ride Can Teach You – Shimon Schocken, Ted Talk
Discovering exciting life lessons in everyday living is an aspect of human experience that has the power to greatly uplift and inspire us. Such life […]
Recipe: Classic Italian Lasagna
INGREDIENTS FOR ITALIAN LASAGNA BECHAMEL SAUCE: 5 tablespoons unsalted butter, plus 2 tablespoons for the lasagna 1/2 cup all-purpose flour 4 cups whole milk at […]
Marijuana Use Linked To Poor Blood Sugar Control In Middle Age
Science Codex September 15, 2015 New research published in Diabetologia (the journal of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes) shows that current […]
France: On whether wives should be beaten or not, 2 topless female protesters disrupt conference
The Telegraph By David Chazan 13 Sep 2015 Two Femen protesters were arrested after baring their breasts at a controversial conference near Paris on […]