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Rio opening

The 2016 Summer Olympics games are taking place in Brazil from August 5 to August 21 2016. These Games of the Olympiad are bringing together over 11,000 athletes to participate in 28 sports.

The parade of nations has always been a highly anticipated highlight for both the Olympians and their compatriots. During the August 5th opening ceremony, athletes from some 207 nations marched through Maracana Stadium representing their countries. This year, the excitement was high and authentic styles were diverse.

The first Olympics date back to 776 BC, started by the Greeks. Hence as tradition has it, Greece always marches first, while the hosting nation (Brazil) comes at the end. The order of parade is determined by the first letter of the country’s name in the host country’s official language (in this case Portuguese).

Here are some delegations that caught our eye:

Cameroon (Camarões)

Cameroon in Rio

(REUTERS/Kai Pfaffenbach)

Burundi (Burundi)

Parade of Nations

(REUTERS/Kai Pfaffenbach)

Jamaica (Jamaica)

Parade of Nations

(REUTERS/Kai Pfaffenbach)

Cook Island (Ilhas Cook)

Parade of Nations

(REUTERS/Kai Pfaffenbach)

South Africa (África do Sul)

Parade of Nations

(REUTERS/Kai Pfaffenbach)

Colombia (Colômbia)

Parade of Nations

(REUTERS/Kai Pfaffenbach)

Indonesia (Indonésia)

Parade of Nations

Senegal (Senegal)

Parade of Nations

Norway (Noruega)

Parade of Nations

(REUTERS/Kai Pfaffenbach)

Saudi Arabia (Arábia Saudita)

Parade of Nations

(REUTERS/Stoyan Nenov)

Serbia (Sérvia)

Parade of Nations

(AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)

Iran (República Islâmica do Irã)

Parade of Nations

(REUTERS/Kai Pfaffenbach)

Djibouti (Djibuti)

Parade of Nations


Tonga (Tonga)

Parade of Nations

(NBC News photo)

Canada (Canadá)

Parade of Nations

(REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson)

United States (Estados Unidos da América)

Parade of Nations

(Buda Mendes via Getty Images)

Brazil (Brasil)

Parade of Nations

Thank you Brazil!

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