Guinea Bissau (population 1.6 million – 2015 est.) formerly known as the slave coast is located in West Africa. Its capital city is Bissau.

The following photos depicting daily life in parts of Guinea Bissau were taken and shared by Roel Coutinho, a Dutch medical doctor working in Guinea Bissau in 1973 and 1974:

Guinea-Bissau in the 70s

Child in Canjambari village (1974)

life Guinea-Bissau

Woman cooking (1974)

Guinea-Bissau in the 70s

People’s shop in Sara. Woman touching the tissues [fabrics]; Sara (1974)

Guinea Bissau people, 70s

Women preparing food, pounding rice? Sara (1974)

Guinea-Bissau in the 70s

Woman smoking a pipe in Sara (1974)

Guinea-Bissau in the 70s

Woman, man and child; Hermangono (1974)

Guinea-Bissau in the 70s

Canjambari village (1974)

Guinea-Bissau in the 70s

Woman sewing (1974)

Guinea-Bissau in the 70s

Woman with child (1974)

Guinea-Bissau in the 70s

Mending bicycle tires donated by Norway, Sara (1974)

Guinea-Bissau in the 70s

Woman cultivating field (1974)

Guinea-Bissau life and people

Medical consultation in Campada college. Female PAIGC soldier playing cards (1974)

Guinea-Bissau in the 70s

Woman somewhere in the northern frontline; Hermangono (1974)

Guinea-Bissau photos, the 70s

Imam takes care of a leper, Sara (1974)

Guinea-Bissau in the 70s

Woman with child at school; Farim (1974)

Guinea-Bissau, Africa life

Canoeing across the river, Canjambari (1973)

Guinea-Bissau in the 70s

Dancing with soldiers, Canjambari (1974)

Guinea-Bissau in the 70s

Family cooking (1974)

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