As a woman on the go, Athalia Monae was getting sick and tired of tossing her hairbrush and comb into her purse, only to wind up with stray hairs and hair products all over the other stuff on the inside. So she wrapped them in a paper towel and began searching beauty supply stores, department stores, drug stores, and even online for the right solution. But she couldn’t find what she was looking for.
That’s when Monae designed, created, and patented just the case that she wanted. She launched her company, ALAHTA (www.pouchesbyalahta.com), and introduced its flagship product – the ALAHTA Pouch.
The ALAHTA Pouch is designed to store a hairbrush or comb, while protecting the inside of a woman’s purse, gym bag, travel bag, or any other form of luggage from stray hairs and hair products. The pouch can accommodate paddle brushes, rake tail combs, rat tail combs, wig brushes, and blow dry brushes.
Available in various colors and prints, the pouch is made of a polyurethane exterior and fabric all throughout the inside, which easily can be wiped clean and also is safe in the washing machine.
“My sole objective behind this design was to create a quality product available to all other women that need something to keep their hairbrush or comb in,” said Monae. “But for me personally, it was not only about creating a product that is needed, but also something that I can be proud of and something that other women will appreciate and find to be helpful. Today, I can say that we certainly are on our way to getting there.”
For more information or to order the ALAHTA Pouch for hairbrushes and combs, visit www.pouchesbyalahta.com.

About Athalia Monae:
Athalia Monae is a product creator, published author, entrepreneur, and founder of ALAHTA, Inc., one of the newest product development and innovation companies in the U.S. Monae’s primary mission in launching ALAHTA is to produce high-quality, easy-to-use products that improve the everyday lives of men and women. The company’s flagship product is the ALAHTA Pouch, designed to store a hairbrush or comb, while protecting the inside of a woman’s purse, gym bag, or travel bag.
Source: Athalia Monae, Oct 20, 2020